Thursday, May 1, 2008

Global Warming?

Sorry, Al Gore, I'm not buying it. Maybe climate change, since this was what it looked like outside today. May, and it's still snowing?! It's just not right.

Adam was really excited about this truck shirt I got for him with my Gymbucks. He would have been thrilled if I'd bought the whole line to make up his summer wardrobe, but I can only take so much blue, orange and gray. We need a little variation! As it is, he has about 3 or 4 of the shirts and 2 pairs of the underpants. Audrey was funny when we opened the package, she asked me, "How does the mailman know Adam likes truck shirts?" You'd think with all the online ordering I do, she would have caught on by now, but I guess she just thinks the mailman is kind of like a modified Santa Claus or something - knows just what we like and brings it to us just because we're nice people. Hey, sounds good to me!

1 comment:


I hear you on the rain. I actually started mowing the lawn because it looked nice and cool. Well I got rained out for a while and had to finish later.