Tuesday, April 29, 2008

New Church Curriculum?

I just overheard Adam singing, "She's got a ticket to ri-ide, she's got a ticket to ri-i-ide." I'm an avid Beatles fan, but don't listen to them ALL that often (I've got that song on my ipod, but there are a ton of songs on there, so we don't do a lot of repeats except by request, and that one hasn't been requested), so I was surprised to hear him singing it. I asked him where he learned that song (fully expecting him to say, "in the car" or something like that) and he tells me he learned it in Nursery. I can totally get on board with early Beatles indoctrination for the young'uns. Too bad his teacher just got released!


Laura said...

Dude, where can I sign up my kids??? It doesn't get much better than the Beatles!!!!

Sally said...

That is a cute story!

V and Co. said...

now that's a cool nursery leader.