Monday, September 29, 2008

The Happy Homemaker, I'm Not

As evidenced by an exchange I had with one of my children yesterday.

Child: Mom, do you know what that "screeee-ch" sound was?

Me: Yes, that was me opening up the ironing board (a little rusty, I guess?!)

Child: What's an ironing board?

Me: It's something I put the clothes on to iron them.

Child: What's "iron"?

This would have been bad enough coming from my 3 year old, but no, it's a conversation with Audrey, my almost 6 year old! I'm sure I've ironed sometime in the last 6 years - but probably not in the last year. In my defense - I was ironing Adam's shirt for church. As soon as I ironed it and put it on him, he went downstairs and finished eating his lunch - vegetable soup (I thought he was already finished eating, but I guess not). He ended up not even wearing the shirt I had painstakingly ironed.


Laura said...

Isn't that always how it goes---you get their clothes ready and then they get stained before you are even out the door. I love the story, so funny! My children probably don't know what an iron is either!

Mrs.Smith said...

Isn't that just exactly how it always goes? Thanks for all the comments on my postesess! We do need to get together soon!!! Seriously.

PS: I never ever iron either. Don't even own an ironing board. If I need to iron, I clear some counter space, put a towel down, and do it that way. lol!

J.J. said...

You are funny!

Claudia said...

You made me laugh. :) I can't remember the last time I ironed. Isn't it crazy to think that some people iron their sheets? The dryer is enough for me. :)

V and Co. said...

hahahaha! oh that is good! when are you guys heading out to sd?

Sally said...

I don't iron AT ALL, so you're a better homemaker than you thought!