Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Weeping, Wailing, Gnashing of Teeth

No pictures to go along with this one (you're probably grateful for that). Audrey's still having a hard time going to Kindergarten each afternoon. She does fine after a couple of minutes in class, but it's still so sad for me to see her get so upset before it's time to go. She whines about getting in her uniform, she doesn't eat lunch, and she starts telling me, "I'm too shy!" as we're driving to school. She also won't go into the class when I tell her to - she digs her heels in and stays planted where she is (each time a little further from the door than before - the first day we made it to her desk, the second, to the door, and yesterday, she wouldn't budge from her hook where she hangs her backpack). Thankfully, the teacher calls out to her, "Audrey, it's time to go to school", and then she runs in the classroom, but she's crying all the way. I know this too shall pass, but anyone have any ideas for me to make the transition easier for her?

Side note - the other moms at this school are wonderful! The one who helped me when I was upset the first day asks me each day how Audrey's doing, and assures me it will get better. Another one whose daughter is also having a hard time suggested a play date for the girls to help them to get to know each other outside of school and become better friends. Plus, Audrey's already been invited to a birthday party for a little boy in her class. I don't think she's having a hard time making friends - I think she's just feeling some separation anxiety at being parted from me, and feeling timid in a new situation. So, what do I do?

1 comment:

Mrs.Smith said...

Homeschool 'til she's 8.

The play date sounds like a good idea, no, great idea. Maybe a special routine you do at the door of her classroom? When my kids had issues with bedtime I made a chart of everything we do @ bedtime and it worked wonders. When they started bucking & fighting it, I'd just point to the chart and say, "See? THIS is what we do next. It's on the chart." and that was the end of that.

I'm afraid you'll have to ask the mommies with older kids about this one, though. :) Having never been there, done that, I don't have a lot of great advice. :) Rest assured, I'm sure it won't last very long! She's a smart kid. She'll figure out eventually that throwing a fit isn't going to change that she has to go to school.