Friday, August 8, 2008

Why the long hiatus?

My absence from my blog has been noted, at least by a couple of people. If you've noticed, you may be wondering why I've been neglecting my blog (yet again). Perhaps you just expect it of me, because I'm a flaky kind of a person. Maybe you assumed I'd been kidnapped by aliens (you'd be wrong). It's likely you thought I'd just been too busy to post (you'd be right). It's possible you thought I just didn't have anything to blog about at all (you'd be half right on that one). The truth is, we have been busy, we've been having a lot of fun, and I have lots to blog about - but not until I blog about the proverbial big pink elephant sitting in the middle of the room, and I don't WANT to blog about the big pink elephant. Blogging about him makes it more real, and I'd prefer to live in denial. Besides, I'm not really happy about the elephant being here. I didn't ASK him to plop right down at my house (ok, maybe not entirely true), and I was perfectly happy without him here (of course, I didn't realize that until he'd already set up camp here). OK, enough with the silly metaphors. We're moving to San Diego, and I'm trying to be happy about it. While the opportunity was still theoretical, I was all for it. I could move somewhere where there isn't winter? Where we could be within easy driving distance of the beach? Where public schools are actually pretty decent, and where my children (and I!) can experience a bit more cultural, religious, political, etc. diversity? A place where people commonly choose to vacation (and not just because all their family is there)? Sign me up! But, alas, the dream has become a reality, and I'm dragging my feet. I've lived in Utah for almost 19 years, and I'm comfortable here. Maybe not deliriously happy (particularly January - March), but definitely comfortable. A majority of both Jared's and my families now live here. If we end up in Southern California permanently, I am very possibly leaving behind the nicest house and biggest piece of land I will ever own (yikes, that sounds a bit shallow!). I think I'm guilty of pessimism here. While it was still just a dream, I was comparing the best parts of San Diego to the worst parts of Utah. Now that it's a reality, I'm comparing the worst parts of San Diego to the best parts of Utah. I'm generally all about fairness, even to a fault, but I'm not really being fair this time, am I? Of course, I've never been big on change, and the fear of the unknown is pretty hard for me. But I'm trying to be happy, because I think this pink elephant just might be here to stay.



For my own selfish reasons I'm a little sad. I was hoping to get to know you better. I understand how you feel though. When are you moving?

the Token Asian said...

Good for you...acknowleding your pink elephant, I mean. Sad you're leaving, happy to have a fun place to visit you!

Laura said...

I was sad when I heard the rumor through the grapevine. I was hoping it was a horrible lie. I guess not. We better plan some fun get-togethers before you go. We need more details---are you going right away or sticking around for a while? Have you looked for homes there yet? Wow, Sea World will practically be in your backyard. I am a touch jealous. You will have to say hi to Shamu on a regular basis on my behalf.

Tell us more about this elephant----like when, etc, etc, etc.

Fair, schmair, I hope you stay.

Jen Stewart said...

First of all...LOVE the new blog look! Its fab.
Second..I'm sad for me that you are moving!
And 3rd...I'm jealous! Just think: You'll have no winters, no steep snowy driveway, no homogenous population, you get beaches, it's where people go to vacation...these are all great reasons to love going! Can we come visit?

All kidding aside, what is the time frame? And what's up: totally new job, transfer or what?

Laura said...

Thank goodness for blogging---we can all keep up with your fabulous new San Diego life---through your blog. And uhm---I will post lots of pictures of our Splash Park adventures (as that is about as exciting as it gets around here.)

Mrs.Smith said...

I loved this post, Jenny! You're such a great writer. I usually try to be more sympathetic to the other person's feelings a little more -- but I can't seem to help it this time. Forgive me, I'm just TOTALLY excited for you! ReallY!!! Which is weird because we're going to miss you & your family a tremendous lot. I should be sad.

But I'm not! You're going to love San Diego. The shopping is way better, the beaches are beautiful, the temple is AMAZING... wow, I miss our temple... the pace is different from Utah. There's the zoo, the wild animal park (my fave), seaworld, legoland - even Disneyland is not that far! Life is fun there. You'll see. Pick the right neighborhood and Mr.Adam will be able to play outside in the dirt all year round! :)

Aaaaaaand, it's good for a marriage to be away from everyone else. Living in Washington, it was hard to be away from family -- but it was good, too. Easier, if that makes sense.

That being said, ignore the pink elephant and blog away! Your adoring fans wanna see pictures and read tales of your adventures. Can't wait to see you today,

Mrs.Smith said...

So fun to be at your beautiful home Sunday. Having been there again, I can see even more why you're sad to leave. It's SO beautiful. You've really done a fabulous job wiit it. :) :) :)

Still planning on coming up Wednesday?

Bethany said...

Well as sad as I am that you guys won't be hanging around in Utah whenever *we* come there - I am excited for you guys and the awesome opportunity! It is really sad to move from somewhere you've lived for a long time but I think you guys will end up loving it.

Claudia said...

Thank you so much for your sweet thoughts Jenny. We appreciate it. And thanks for the compliments. ;)

I'm so happy for you guys and your move to SD! I'm sure you remember how awesome it is here and it's gotten better. :) Sounds like the move will be hard but I'm sure you, Jared, and the kids will adjust well. And I'm glad I'll get to see you. :)